Frame-by-frame operation to remove the truck from the Bridge – Traffic stopped

Traffic with one current in each direction
19:00 The Rio-Antirio Bridge remains closed at this time (19:00) as the works on the metal frame that was damaged by the accident earlier today are in full swing. This frame reaches from one side of the bridge to the other and so for safety reasons the officials decided to completely stop the traffic for as long as necessary. The truck removal operation is in progress, the body of which collided with the metal infrastructure of the Bridge. . The current from Antirrio to Rio was closed while according to the latest information from the Bridge “emergency measures are in force due to the incident that took place earlier and the traffic is made with a current in the direction of the east deck”. In a statement the Bridge points out: “Today, Thursday 28.3.2019 at 09:30 a truck that crossed the Charilaos Trikoupis Bridge from Antirrio in the direction of Rio, collided with a metal infrastructure (frame) of signage support at the exit of Rio, due to the lifting of its body, resulting in damage to the Therefore, the traffic was interrupted in the specific traffic flow, while GEFYRA SA crews are operating on the spot, in the direction of releasing the vehicle and removing the beam, a process that will take several hours. The traffic in the direction from Rio to Antirrio continues, with short-term exclusions, for the removal of the beam, the passage of emergencies and the shift of both traffic streams on the east side of the deck. Among all the actions that are evolving for the gradual return to normalcy, absolute priority is given to the safety of the users. Information for the public is given through the Customer Service Department (Tel. 26340-39010 & 39011) and the Twitter account gefyra_news, the posts of which also appear on the official website www.gefyra.grFor newer developments, an updated information will follow “.





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